Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Watchmen

If The Hills starred superheroes, you would have The Watchmen. A very "soap-opera-y" look into the lives of a group of crime fighters struggling with their pasts. After the death of a not-so-super superhero named, The Comedian, it forces the remaining crew to reflect on their lives, their relevance, relationships, and purpose. As the mystery of a possible Russian nuclear attack unfolds, we find there is more than meets the eye.
A very different look into the world of the superhero, The Watchmen gives a great new visionary perspective into that world. Great film sequences of fights and effects combined with a great soundtrack that spans all eras of music, left me pretty content about my experience watching this. Unfortunately its not great for the whole family. Kids probably shouldn't go and see this.

my elementary grading scale: exceeding expectations
1-10: 8.5/9


  1. Oh hi matt. Jonah Sage here. I reviewed watchmen as well but was not as generous as you have been. take a look and let me know if you think i'm an idiot

  2. *spoiler alert*

    I left this film feeling confused and not sure whether or not I liked it, and upon further reflection realized I thought the book was waaaaay better which is so often the case when you try to translate a literary work onto the big screen. With that said, kudos to Zack Snyder for trying this, A for effort but a lack luster performance. The movie is very inconsistent, the only sequence which I thought did the book any justice was the "Dr. Manhattan" sequence, the pacing was great, loved how they jumped back and forth with time, probably a tool they should have used more of with the other character. The omission of the "Black Freighter" to me was the biggest faux-pas. So much useless footage could've been done away with to include some excerpts of that story within a story. More importantly it serves as a parallel to what's going on in the main plot and more specifically it details the story of Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias). The book itself was never really plot heavy as much as it dealt with the individual characters and what made them tick. I think this film is missing human touch, ironically enough I felt the biggest connection with Dr. Manhattan's character, who was the most detached from humanity (also he's naked for most of the movie/book as a visual representation of his detachment from people). I could go on and on, but all I have to say is I was disappointed, I think fans of the book (especially diehard fans) will not enjoy this movie. It also runs a little long, but I think the casual movie goer will find it entertainig.

  3. Awesome Vel. Thanks for the extra insight. If you ever want to write a review for a movie I can put it up here for you under your name.... some really good ideas!
