Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Gray Man

A true life Hannibal Lecter. The true story of serial killer, Albert Fish. During the 1930's Fish set out on a killing spree preying on children and luring the families into allowing him to take them for "short trips" with his money. Detectives were clueless for awhile as they searched the varying descriptions and went on very little hard evidence at the time. Slowly one detective was able to trace his handwriting and other crime scene evidence and find the killer. Albert Fish was a horrible man with many personal demons of his own that led him down the horrible path he was on.
Surprisingly good movie that was well thought out. The most interesting part was how advanced our crime fighting skills have come in the last 70+ years. I guess you could consider this movie as CSI: Old School.... Serial killer movies are always intriguing to me only for the fact that I can never understand what makes them go to the lengths they do, take the horrible actions they do, and then act as if they were living an ordinary life.

My elementary grading scale: Exceeding Expectations
1-10: 8

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