Tuesday, January 12, 2010


In the future, historians will look back at American culture and ponder over the question of, "why does Hollywood make SO MANY vampire movies?" And to this I say, I do not know. Maybe its our fear of death, fear of bats, quest for eternal youth.... Who knows?!
Daybreakers is somewhere between the cuteness of Twilight and the toughness of Blade. Vampires with compassion rule Earth in the year 2019 and are searching for an alternative to human blood to preserve their life from a dwindling vampire population. Ethan Hawke and Willem Dafoe have discovered a major breakthrough in this dilemma to combat the pugnacious vampires of Earth in hopes of saving humanity.
I love vampire movies, zombie movies, and apocalyptic movies. However, they have to have something in them that I like such as an interesting premise, great cast, or great effects. Daybreakers had the effects. The reality and grotesqueness of their vampire-ness was quite a cool look. Daybreakers had the cast. Willem Dafoe and Ethan Hawke are definitely great actors who I have enjoyed in past films (Reservoir Dogs (Dafoe) and Great Expectations (Hawke)). Daybreakers however did not have an interesting premise. In my eyes, after seeing SO many vampire movies, I was hoping for something truly original. Unfortunately, it is hard to create an original idea with 2847549 vampire movies out there already ( I made that number up ). BUT, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. I would go see it if I were you and you like scary movies.

My Elementary Grading Scale: Progressing Satisfactorily
1-10: 7

1 comment:

  1. Daybreakers was good, intelligent fun with blood splatter and jump-out-of-your-seat moments that are lacking in horror films today. Special effects: Moderate, not much was needed for the movie.
