Monday, October 26, 2009

Angels and Demons

Tom Hanks fixed his hair a bit for this sequel so, for that reason alone, I find myself following the story a little better. The sequel to Davinci Code was MUCH more entertaining and kept my attentions with the action sequences that took up more of the movie than the previous. After discovering that the Illuminati were on a quest to wipe out the pope and all the possible popes at one time, Hanks along with his new, unrealistically pretty physicist (no offense to physicists, but I have never had a good looking woman as a science professor or science teacher) go and try to stop the murderous individual trying to change history and also steal ant-matter to change the world. It sounds Sci-Fi but I think that anyone enthralled with good drama, murder-mystery, the secrets of the Vatican (even if they are unreal) will find this movie very entertaining.
I liked the message at the end which basically said that even though you may not believe you are part of a calling, you may have a higher purpose in the big picture. Hanks character didnt believe that God could have sent him to save the church because he didnt believe in God. However, the man he saved in the middle of his investigation from the killer, ended up being the next pope (spoiler, sorry, had to prove my point).

My Elementary Grading Scale: Exceeding Expectations
1-10: 8.5

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