This film was a documentary that recounts the tale of Andrew McAuley, an Australian adventurer who, in 2006, launched a quest to become the first person to paddle a kayak across the treacherous Tasman Sea. The Tasman Sea, I might add, is one of the most dangerous seas on the earth. 1600 miles of nothing but 12 meter waves, cold water, sharks, pitch black nights and square mile after square mile of nothingness. McAuley sets out to set himself apart as the first kayaker of his kind. An amazing story of will, determination and facing fear. I highly, HIGHLY, recommend this documentary film.
This was as emotionally stirring as it was intense as the film recounts a man left out to sea and realizing just what he had gotten himself into and the incredible battle he faced. I really think that I will be watching this again tomorrow. McAuley followed in the footsteps of past explorers who looked the unknown head on, and though fear was present, determination and fortitude took over.
The film brought lots of feelings dealing with self-worth and ''really'' living. Some say its not until we face our fears and overcome them that we can really know ourselves. Many see what seems impossible and let others attempt it, while a small few go and do it. Am I allowing fear to overcome my aspirations? When all is said and done, can I look back and say to myself I lived my life without regret or skipping out on things I should have done? It took a film about a man challenging the near impossible to bring these thoughts out of me. Some of you may already have faced these decisions and ideas. Seriously. Watch the film. It will challenge your mind and dare your spirit.
My elementary grading scale: Exceeding Expectations
1-10: 10