Friday, October 30, 2009

The Keeper

Steven Seagal's latest film has him as a vengeful cop out for justice after a crooked cop shot him and stole money from a drug bust that took place in corrupt streets of downtown Somewhere. Quickly, he gets back at his nemesis while still in the hospital and a whole new story unveils. After rehab and a fierce montage of training and martial arts, Seagal begins his comeback as a bodyguard to a rich man's daughter. Unfortunately the montage of hard, grueling, intense training didnt quite pay off and the daughter was kidnapped anyway. Which leads Seagal down a path of dirty dealings, corrupt business men and merciless killers who will stop at nothing to get money and trouble off their backs.
This is a classic Seagal film. I actually like his stuff because the fight scenes are often more intense than other films. Broken bones and bullets that send enemies flailing across the room. Its a movie that is 100% action and when their is action, its all about the anticipation for the upcoming action sequence. It took me a while, to be honest to warm up to Seagal, but when I started to take him for what he was, an actor who knows akido who likes to put himself in films with younger starlets so he most likely can hit on them when they arent shooting film, I started to not mind the guy so much. He is tough in his movies. I definitely think he could take on most of the modern actions stars of today. One of the few 80's action stars still kicking butt. Good Job Steven!
My Elementary Grading Scale: Exceeding Expectations
1-10: 8.5

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