Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

A friend of mine told me to watch this film and I had been hesitant before the prodding. Afterall, the only film I had seen previously with the same name, was a Disney musical with no words. Not my "cup o' tea". Knowing this was a Jerry Bruckheimer film. Knowing this was a Nicolas Cage Film ('Knowing' is a film that Nicolas Cage was in too). I had a certain idea what I was in for. A cross between Pirates of the Caribbean and National Treasure with an actor with the charisma of an eggplant. Now just throw in a dusting of a Harry Potter(ish) story and you have the film I am speaking of NOW. Fortunately, these ingredients make a pretty palatable dish. I like this film for what its worth... pure entertainment with some twists and great special effects.
If you enjoy fantasy, fairy tales, adventure, and eye popping excitement then you should check this film out when it comes to DVD.

Elementary Grading Scale: Progressing Satisfactorily
1-10: 7.5

1 comment:

  1. I also like this movie..I don't understand why you are so hesitate before watching this movie.Actually I like all the movies which you mentioned above and I like special effects a lot..
