Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

When the cartoony opening credits are the most interesting part of your movie, you know you are in for a rough ride. I swear I saw the same EXACT plot line in a zombie movie not too long ago about a High School that was quarantined because of a zombie outbreak and were being killed off....maybe it was called Zombie High School???? If you are reading this, have seen that movie, please comment and let me know. Anyway, this time, instead of zombies, it was infected teens. Kind of like The Hills or Laguna Beach (for those of you who like to reminisce about the good old days of MTV reality before Flava Flav, New York, or the Jersey Shore hit the screen).
Cabin Fever 1 had left Rider Strong half alive on the banks of a river dying of poisoning from a bizarre rash that killed everyone and that is where part 2 picked up as we find him demented, grotesque, oozing, and running through the woods. Spoiler Alert: He was in the movie for 20 seconds yet found his way on to the opening credit cast list....maybe because he was the only actor anyone had heard of in the sequel so they felt it would beef up the "street cred". LionsGate films produced this which was a surprise to me, but it only means one thing. Actual money behind the film to spend on special effects. Maybe too much money which you will see if you indulge in this film. Let's just say maybe, too many things are oozing and gooey and bloody for me.

My Elementary Grading Scale: Progressing Satisfactorily
1-10: 5.5/6

1 comment:

  1. The first part was good and I enjoyed it. I haven't seen this one yet and expected that it will be better than the first one. I will catch this one next week and hope this one will come up to my expectation.
