Wednesday, January 19, 2011



Here is my thing. Long hair is not THAT attractive to me…but hair that goes over 50 feet is just plain NASTY! Who would ever date/marry a girl with hair that wen from room to room, wrapping around everything and dragging across EVERYTHING she walked by…. I'm not even going to get into what it must be like to unclog her shower drains. No wonder Rapunzel wasn’t allowed out of her tower, the thought of what she would be dragging her hair through in the medieval forests would make anyone cringe. All that animal poo in her hair…..sick!

Everyone knows the story of Rapunzel so I am not gonna get too detailed with the storyline. A few new Disney-esque humorous twists to the story ( a pet chameleon for example) thrown into the mix and It’s another children’s classic right there with The Princess and the Frog, Toy Story 3 and G-Force (not the best, and not the worst) I don’t like cartoons anymore so I forced myself to watch this just for the sake of being the “complete” movie critic……

Elementary Grading Scale: Needs Improvement

1-10: 5

1 comment:

  1. I watched the film "TANGLED" last night. the movie works at every level...The direction, the action, the animation, the story, The romance ..everything is SUPERB. It is worth seeing it in theater...
