Saturday, January 9, 2010

Smokin Aces 2: Assassins' Ball

Where to begin? I guess I should first start by asking the question, " Is a movie considered better the more shocking it is, or is 'shock' just something placed in a movie to make up for lack of quality?" I personally believe that a film done correctly can challenge, excite, enlighten, and touch the viewers emotions without the need to be overly explicit in any way. Of course there are the movies like Saw and The Last House on the Left that simply horrify you and gross you out to the point where it is etched in your mind for weeks to follow. Those kinds of movies are generally popular but you cannot say that there will be any awards or praise given to those movies any time soon.
Here we find a film that borders on grotesque but the filming was entertaining and the actors were talented enough to appreciate the writing and acting for itself. I have been a fan of Vinnie Jones ever since he was in Snatch but unfortunately his role was not long enough to really improve the film overall. He along with many other actors were all assassins trying to kill an FBI analyst involved with some cover-ups in the middle east. Due to a specific time slot for assassination, a barrage of attempts at his life leave the FBI ops that were to protect him reeling in a mess that gets more and more intense until an explosive ending with a twist.
I personally liked the film only for the fact that it was visually entertaining with loud noises and big bangs and bloody messes..... a stimulation of the senses but I certainly did not walk away from the film any better for seeing it. Basic entertainment to say the least.

My Elementary Grading Scale: Progressing Satisfactorily
1-10: 6.5

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that this movie has some shocks because I was not expecting them. The story of the movie is not unique but still direction of the movie is quite nice so it's up to you whether to watch it or not. Thanks.
