Monday, January 11, 2010

The Road

Cormac McCarthy's book The Road was one of the best books I have read in the last few years. He has a way of writing with such description that you can vividly see exactly what he wants you to see and McCarthy's way of writing about the reality of the human spirit is what made me fall in love with his works. No Country for Old Men and All the Pretty Horses are just a couple more of his books that were turned into films. I suggest all fans of reading to go to their local library or bookstore and check out some of his stuff. You will not be disappointed.
The Road is about a father and son struggling to survive in a harsh new world of decay and disaster after nuclear war had ended existence as we know it. A handful of men and women remained on earth and the majority had become ruthless privateers willing to do anything and everything to survive including cannibalism and slavery. Not as far-fetched as some apocalyptic films like Mad Max, Water World, or Zombieland; The Road is more of a human drama as it depicts a Father's love for his son and the passing of wisdom from one generation to the next.
Viggo Mortensen does an extremely wonderful job capturing the agony of having to watch his son struggle with hunger and fear while also being brave enough to do whatever needed to be done to protect and provide for him as well. Perfectly played and perfectly captured. I felt that it was as close as you can get to trying to recreate a book which is often a seamless task. Well Done. I can't wait to watch it again.

My Elementary Grading Scale: Exceeding Expectations
1-10: 9

1 comment:

  1. The book named The Road is one of my best readings. I really like the narration and the way story proceed. All characters are very well written. I suggest reading this book for sure. The story of the movie will touch your heart.
