Monday, January 18, 2010

The Book of Eli

Ok, now that's out of the way, I can fill you in with some thoughts and info about a really great movie. I have yet to see a film starring Denzel Washington that I didn't like and that trend holds true even after his new film, The Book of Eli. He plays a lone traveler trekking across the U.S. on a quest to protect something sacred. I dont want to give away too much but I can tell you that he does a tremendous job as a "post-apocalyptic Moses", if you will. Mila Kunis joins him as a girl desperate to escape the growing grasp of a ruthless despot played by Gary Oldman who has a great performance as well, similar to the evil leader he played in The Fifth Element.
Full of religious undertones, and overtones, I thought that the writers and directors did a great job of not painting Christianity or living by faith in a bad light. The film actually showed a decent man trying to live a decent life and do the right thing, holding to his convictions and all the while he was portrayed as a man amongst men in a world where it was so easy to take the path of least resistance to secede to our human nature. There are themes of religion causing war, inciting the poor and religious zealotry and they are all poignant topics at this point in history. I highly recommend everyone see it. Not only is it action packed but its post-apocalyptic (one of my favorite themes) too. It's not just for the religious-minded at all. You will truly enjoy the twists and turns from a man who must resort to violence to protect what he was manifested to keep.

My Elementary Grading Scale: Exceeding Expectations
1-10: 8.5/9

1 comment:

  1. I highly impressed with the concept of this movie. Cinematography is top notch, overall a smart movie that I enjoyed watching till the end. Thanks for sharing this nice review.
